Global Historical Earthquake Archive
a GEM Hazard Global Component

You are entering the website of Global Historical Earthquake Archive - GHEA,
which presents the results of the two-year project
"Tools for compiling the Global Earthquake History" (November 2010 - March 2013)
developed in the framework of the activities sponsored by
Global Earthquake Model-GEM.

The Global Historical Earthquake Archive (GHEA) provides a complete account of the global situation in historical seismology for large earthquakes, as in 2013.
From GHEA, the Global Historical Earthquake Catalogue (GHEC v1.0) was derived a world catalog of earthquakes for the period 1000-1903, with magnitudes of Mw7 and over.

the Global Historical Earthquake Archive - GHEA

the Global Historical Earthquake Catalogue - GHEC v1.0



Useful links