AHEAD European Archive of Historical EArthquake DataEuropean Archive of Historical EArthquake Data

Elenco studiData sources
Elenco terremotiEarthquakes

Azzaro et al., 2000

Azzaro R., Barbano M.S., Antichi B., Rigano R., 2000. Macroseismic catalogue of Mt. Etna earthquakes from 1832 to 1998. Acta Vulcanologica, 12, 1-2, 3-36 + CD

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A catalogue of the earthquakes which have produced macroseismic effects in the Etnean area during the 1832-1998 period is presented. The motivation for creating a catalogue specifically for this region derives from the fact that the traditional parametric catalogues do not allow a detailed characterisation of seismicity, for instance in terms of seismic sequences or seismotectonic analyses. The quantity and the quality of available historical information for the area allow to investigate these aspects. The performed analysis has permitted to associate about 550 earthquakes with seismogenic structures so that it is possible to investigate fault behaviour in time. The catalogue has been compiled through the analysis of some 200 contemporaneous sources (scientific papers, bulletins, newspapers and archive documents) and the intensities assessed by using the EMS-98 macroseismic scale. The catalogue lists 1735 events in all.

For each event the focal parameters are defined: epicentral location, maximum and epicentral intensities, macroseismic magnitude, when possible seismogenic fault and coseismic surface faulting; instrumental values of magnitude and depth are also reported. Tests on determination of the epicentral coordinates and some examples of possible use and application of the catalogue dataset are presented. The attached CD-ROM, which includes a database of 7325 macroseismic observations, is a searchable catalogue for epicentres and intensity maps of all the events. In addition, the following queries can be performed: selection of earthquakes by date, intensity and coordinates; reconstruction of the seismic histories for 426 localities in the Etna area.

Nell'archivio ci sono In the archive there are 44 terremoti provenienti da questo studio: earthquakes considered from this study:

molto grandiextra large
molto piccolivery small
non parametrizzatinot determined

Clicca sulla riga per individuare il terremoto sulla mappa o sulla lente per ottenere più informazioni.Click the row to highlight the earthquake on the map or the lens to obtain more information.

  DataDate    Area epicentraleEpicentral area    MDPs   Imax  EQ in
EQ in
Riferim. in
1832 10 31Bronte  3  5-6  
1832 11 24Nicolosi  2  7  
1842 11 18 01 15Belpasso  5  5-6  
1850 01 01 11Southwestern flank  3  7  
1855 01 26Fondo Macchia  2  7-8  
1865 07 19 01Fondo Macchia  32  9  
1865 08 18 09Versante sud-orientale  2  D  
1865 08 19 12 30S. M. Ammalati  16  8  
1874 08 30 22 30Versante settentrionale  1  4  
1875 01 07 23 45Zerbate  7  7  
1879 06 16 19Bongiardo  1  5-6  
1879 06 17 06 50Bongiardo  25  8-9  
1879 07 26 07 30Macchia  4  6  
1880 06 18 20 30Eastern flank  5  5  
1881 02 12 02 30Codavolpe  8  7  
1883 03 22 00 15Nicolosi  7  7-8  
1883 03 22 22 30Belpasso  2  6-7  
1883 03 26 21 26Nicolosi  1  6-7  
1883 04 05 08 58Nicolosi  11  5-6  
1883 04 28 01 25Nicolosi  1  6-7  
1883 04 28 15 30Torre del Grifo  2  5-6  
1883 06 24 07 47Eastern flank  4  6-7  
1883 11 13 17Eastern flank  3  5-6  
1884 01 10 20 35Northern flank  14  5  
1885 03 11 00 15Macchia  8  5  
1885 09 25 07 05Nicolosi  2  7  
1885 10 02 02 30Nicolosi  1  6-7  
1886 05 11Macchia  1  5-6  
1886 06 05 11 13S. Venerina  21  6  
1889 12 25 17 23S. M. Ammalati  25  7-8  
1892 07 08 18 50Southern Flank  13  D  
1892 07 09 13 32Versante orientale  4  5  
1892 09 05 20Southeastern Flank  2  D  
1892 09 23 14 30Versante sud-occidentale  2  D  
1893 03 31Nicolosi  9  5-6  
1893 04 01 07 09Zafferana Etnea  8  5-6  
1894 08 07 12 58Zerbate  12  6  
1894 08 08 05 16Mazzasette  45  8-9  
1896 03 18 20 45Fossa dell'Acqua  4  5-6  
1896 12 19 21 18S. M. Ammalati  4  5-6  
1898 05 14 04 45S. M. Ammalati  35  7-8  
1899 05 03 21 45S. M. Licodia  12  5  
1899 07 02 04 54Guardia  9  6  
1899 09 23 22 11Fossa dell'Acqua  8  5-6