Cecić I., 1998b. Potres v Ljubljani 15. julija 1897. In: J. Lapajne (ed.), Potresi v Slovenji leta 1997, URSG, Ljubljana, 43-57.
Two years after Easter 1895, when a strong earthquake had devastated Ljubljana on 14 April, the town was hit and damaged by another quake. The event on 15 July 1897 was strong enough to fill many residents with terror. When evaluating the damage in Ljubljana and the wider area, one should not forget the fact that many houses damaged in 1895 were repaired, but not very carefully. Most damage was to older buildings; reports on the partial collapse of walls are very rare. There are reports about damage to newly built houses. Most descriptions give details of damage to churches. The highest intensity produced by this earthquake was VII EMS-92 in the centre of Ljubljana.
Nell'archivio c'è un terremoto da questo studio:In the archive there is one earthquake considered from this study:
Clicca sulla riga per individuare il terremoto sulla mappa o sulla lente per ottenere più informazioni.Click the row to highlight the earthquake on the map or the lens to obtain more information.
DataDate |
Area epicentraleEpicentral area |
MDPs |
Imax |
EQ in EPICAv1.1
EQ in EPICAv1.1
Riferim. in EPICAv1.1
EPICAv1.1 reference
 | 1897 07 15 05 53 | Ljubljana | 327 | 7 |
✔ | - |