AHEAD European Archive of Historical EArthquake DataEuropean Archive of Historical EArthquake Data

Elenco studiData sources
Elenco terremotiEarthquakes

Hammerl, 2015

Hammerl C., 2015. The four strongest earthquakes in Tyrol/ Austria during XVIth and XVIIth centuries: from archival sources to macroseismic intensities. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 50, 1, 39-62. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40328-014-0083-3

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Knowledge of historical earthquakes has become more important in recent years. Complete and accurate information is necessary in order to carry out a coherent seismic hazard assessment of a specific area. In particular, since the introduction of Eurocode-8, the building code for the construction of earthquake-resistant buildings in Europe, the importance of new assessments of historical earthquakes due to the state of the art has increased, as the assessment period for the determination of seismic hazard was extended from 100 to more than 450 years.

Tyrol has repeatedly been exposed to stronger earthquakes in the past. The four strongest, previously known earthquakes were reviewed and re-assessed for the first time according to the state of the art. These were: 1. November 1571, 4. January 1572, 17. July 1670 and 22. December 1689.

Within the INTERREG IV A project HAREIA-Historical and Recent Earthquakes in Italy and Austria (2009-2012), existing interpretations for the mentioned damaging earthquakes in Tyrol were analysed and the historical information was checked and completed by means of contemporary sources from the archives.

The earthquake of 1571 could be identified as a fake and the epicentral intensity of the 1572 earthquake was downgraded due to the information of the contemporary sources. Several new sources have been found in the archives for the earthquakes of 1670 and 1689, which leads to much more detailed knowledge of the events.

An important result of this study is, among other things, that for the first time macroseismic data points are available, which allows transparency in the assessment of the new parameters and contributes to the seismic history of single locations.

Nell'archivio ci sono In the archive there are 4 terremoti provenienti da questo studio: earthquakes considered from this study:

molto grandiextra large
molto piccolivery small
non parametrizzatinot determined

Clicca sulla riga per individuare il terremoto sulla mappa o sulla lente per ottenere più informazioni.Click the row to highlight the earthquake on the map or the lens to obtain more information.

  DataDate    Area epicentraleEpicentral area    MDPs   Imax  EQ in
EQ in
Riferim. in
1571Innsbruck  -  -      
1572 01 04 18 45Innsbruck  6  6-7  
1670 07 17 01Hall in Tirol  29  HD  
1689 12 22 01Innsbruck  8  HD