MIDOP can publish Macroseismic Earthquake studies related information from which the intensity points are taken.
Bibliographical citations, original documents as PDFs files, related images and link to external web pages can be specified for each study mentioned in the earthquake catalogue.
In order to publish such information, a bibliographical table must be prepared:
means that the field should be used as the table primary key. |
Field | Description | Type |
StudyCode * |
Simplified code representing the study. Trailing spaces and special characters must be avoided. (field used to link to the corresponding field in the earthquake catalogue and used for naming study related PDFs and images) |
text or number |
ShortCitation | Short bibliographical citation, mentioning the main author and the date of study publication (e.g.: Stucchi M., 2009 - Stucchi & Locati, 2009 - Stucchi et al., 2009). The field content is the same as the corresponding field in the earthquake catalogue. | long text |
CompleteCitation | Complete bibliographical citation of the study, with authors, year of publication, title and publisher. | text |
StudyTitle | The title of the study. | text |
StudyAuthors | Author/s of the study. | text |
YearOfPublication | Year of publication of the study. | integer |
StudyLanguage | Language used in the study. | text |
DOI | The DOI of the study. | text |
ExternalPageURL | Address link to an external web page containing online relevant information about the study. | text |
By specifying a link in the above table, MIDOP will automatically show the external link within the popup window containing bibliographical information. A similar link will appear if an external PDF is filled in. PDFs stored on your computer can also be published: these files must be named using the "StudyCode" with ".pdf" as file extension and stored in the folder "data / studies / YOUR_STUDY_CODE / ": MIDOP will automatically scan the study archive folder and the PDF will shows up in the bibliographical popup window.
A similar procedure is used for publishing study images: PNG or JPG image files must be named "StudyCode" with extension ".jpg" or ".png" and stored in the relative study folder.
Additionally to the above methods, MIDOP has a way of linking PDF and images to subsets of a study. By naming a PDF or an image with "StudyCode" and the complete earthquake date, the file will be show only when that specific earthquake will be selected.
Here an example on how to compile a study bibliographical record:
StudyCode | ALBVO008 |
ShortCitation | Albini & Vogt, 2008 |
CompleteCitation | Albini P. and Vogt J., 2008. A glimpse into the seismicity of the Ionian Islands between 1658 and 1664. In: J. Fréchet, M. Meghraoui, M. Stucchi (eds.), Historical Seismology, 43-91. |
ExternalPageURL | http://www.springerlink.com/content/m2578573521h4n60/ |
ExternalPDFURL | http://www.springerlink.com/content/m2578573521h4n60/fulltext.pdf |
YearOfPublication | 2008 |
Authors | Albini P. and Vogt J. |
As we want to show also a thumbnail image of the whole study, using a paint program we create an image with the front cover of the study, we called it "ALBVO008.jpg" and we store it in the folder "data / studies / ALBVO008 /". The image will show up in the bibliographical popup window every time users will click the corresponding study.
Suppose that the catalogue that is going to be published considers three earthquakes from this study: the 11th September 1661, the 12th March 1662 and the 1664 earthquakes all in Zakynthos (Greece). Three PDF files and three thumbnail images are created, respectively (both PNG or JPG can be used):
These PDF and images will only show up in the popup window when the corresponding earthquake is selected from the catalogue.
Users might want publish the list of all of the used bibliographical resources for each earthquake. Such material, depending on the procedure followed by the investigators, might be called references or sources.
MIDOP supports such feature but an additional table is required.
Field | Description | Type |
RefID |
Reference/source unique identifier | text or number |
StudyCode | Simplified code representing the study. Trailing spaces and special characters must be avoided. (field used to link to the corresponding field in the earthquake catalogue and used for naming study related PDFs and images) |
text or number |
RefCode * | Simplified code representing the reference/source. Trailing spaces and special characters must be avoided. |
text or number |
RefCitation * | Complete bibliographical citation of the study, with authors, year of publication, title and publisher. | long text |
RefYear | Year of publication of the reference/source. | integer |
RefAuthor | List of the authors of the study. | text |
RefTitle | Title of the reference/source. | text |
RefLanguage | Language of the reference/source. | text |
In order to link such table with the corresponding earthquake, an additional field with the list of used reference codes must be inserted in the catalogue table.
The steps for adding references are the following:
If the earthquake catalogue contains multiple macroseismic studies, each with a different set of bibliographical references, users might want to adopt a series of reference identifiers coherent within the same macroseismic study. MIDOP supports such feature and users must specify the macroseismic study code for which the references must be used: the link between the catalogue table and the references table will be created using both the macroseismic study code and the reference code.